Kirsteen Young:
born in 1971 in Scotland.
1989-1990 Bournemouth & Pool College of Art & Design. Diploma in the Arts Foundation.
1992-95 Duncan of Jordanstone College, University of Dundee.
1993 – Awarded period of study in Canada.
1995 Awarded Polish Government Postgraduated Scholarschip.
1996 – „And Where Are You From?”, Otwarta Pracownia, Kraków; End of Year Exhibition, Cracow Academy of Fine Arts; „Width – Length”, Warsaw Academy of Fine Arts; „The New Designer’s Exhibition”, London; „Bdes Hons Constructed Textiles Degree Show”, Duncan of Jordanstone College, University of Dundee;
1993-95 – „From The Margin”, Edinburgh College of Art, Duncan of Jordandstone College Dundee, Gray’s School of Art Aberdeen & North Uist Gallery, exhibition founded by Scottish Arts Council & Gulbekian foundation.